For our masterclasses, we partner with talented writers to provide one-day sessions for rangitahi in Years 7 to 13.
Our masterclasses are held at libraries, schools and other venues across the region and are open to young writers from all schools including homeschoolers.
Our masterclasses are facilitated by experienced tutors and we provide clear health and safety plans and full supervision. Your young writers will be in safe hands.
Not in Canterbury? Check out our Write On ZOOM Studio option or book a custom Masterclass for your school or kahui ako.
All classes run from 9.15 to 2.45 pm unless otherwise stated.
We are very grateful to Creative Communities Christchurch, Selwyn and Waimakariri for their support of our masterclasses.​

For further information on the advertised masterclasses or to book a masterclass for your kahui ako or region, please contact Heather at schoolforyoungwriters@gmail.com
Our masterclasses to date have been supported by, and in partnership with, Christchurch Libraries, Waimakariri Libraries, Selwyn Libraries, Seaweek, Speaking 4 the Planet, Christchurch Heritage Festival, Scorpio Books, Antarctic Heritage Trust, Canterbury Astronomical Society, Plains FM and The Commuting Book.