Our ONLINE 1:1 MENTORING WRITING programme IS for any student, aged 9 to 19, anywhere in the world!
Our online mentoring programme is appropriate for enrichment or extension study in the classroom or at home. The programme requires little or no supervision, as each young writer will be matched with a personal tutor who will provide clear written feedback , using email or google docs, designed to encourage effort and extend each young writer's skills.
Your young writer decides what they wish to work on. They may have a work in progress or request a new prompt to get them started. We have young writers currently working on poetry, short story, novel scenes, creative non-fiction, scripts and articles. Each individualised 'assignment' then takes about two or three drafts as the tutor guides the student to improvements and teaches new skills along the way.
We help writers at all levels to bring clarity to their writing, solve problems and make the most of their individual talents/ interests.
Enrolment can be commenced at any time and the three 'assignments' may be done over whatever period of time suits your young writer.
Ko te ahurei o te tamaiti arahia o tatou mahi.
Let the uniqueness of the child guide our work.

Please email us with any queries about Online 1:1 Mentoring
The cost per student is NZ$185. Enrolment entitles the writer to be supported with three assignments.
The work may commence at any time and ends when the student completes three 'assignments'.
An assignment is generally made up of the first submission of a piece of writing ( e.g. a poem, short story, chapter from a novel, or creative essay) plus two or three revisions in response to tutor feedback.
We prefer Google Docs or WORD sent via email.
Please remember to email your tutor when you are ready for more feedback!
All students have opportunities to publish their work in Write On, our twice-yearly magazine which reaches a wide readership throughout New Zealand.
We have had a lot of recent queries about manuscript assessments for novels, which we love to do too. Please email us with your novel word count a brief synopsis and the first chapter and we will estimate the time and costs involved.

“I think it’s the whole idea of completing the story that appeals to her, and we have explained that people can very easily tell when someone has rushed something rather than taken their time. Doing this course is helping her realise this, and making her think a lot more about how and what to write. She still has a long way to go, but we are happy to see that she is well and truly on the correct path to becoming an even better writer. Thanks so much for your encouragement."
Nikki W., North Canterbury