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Poetry Relay Poems!

To wrap up the Poetry Pentathlon for National Poetry Day, 2018, we held a poetry relay. Each team member added a line to the poem using techniques prompted by poet Gail Ingram.

Here are the results ( with a tiny amount of editing)

The Inversion

From a dull grey outside your true colours shine through

Wide wings unfurl from a crackling cocoon

Great flaps send shards to the ground, discarded

They’ll carry you far through the sky, never disenchanted

You fly and you fall

back to your cocoon.

The Lit Nerds, The School for Young Writers

Our Cheese Moon

My hand rolled over the knobbly grey surface

and BOOM

it grew into a moon

sized planet

Stars squeal over the moon as it goes to sleep

Now cackles fill a dark sky,

waking me.

The Huskies, Governors Bay School

I like Aliens

the sky’s blue reflects in his eyes

aliens act amazing


a beam sucks up cows

the moon sees the mysterious beam

steal the cows.

I sit and watch, doing nothing to stop them

Chez, The School for Young Writers

Our teacher, Mrs Thompson

Happy and jolly and full of bright yellow

Kind and nice, she’s a great fellow

She shouts out instructions

The sunshine makes her smile bright

She has made us so happy all year

Especially on sad days

When she really cares.

Banks Avenue Team

The Green

A seed

of wonder, mystery

A fair fern

in a flutter of wind strengthens

Insects dance over the fronds

A seed of hope for the small.

XLJ, The School for Young Writers

The Recreational Rainbow

Red of fire lighting up the dark

Gracious green glitters greatly

Amidst the hedge there is a ‘pop’

The hedge shivers

Yet the sun still shines in the sky

St Albans School Team

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