Clerihews are usually funny poems about specific people. You can write about your parents, your best friend, your favourite singer, your dog, even your teacher!
Here's one I wrote (with apologies to Heather!).
Our writing teacher Heather McQuillan
really knows how to write the villain
Because her books are so evil and scary *
the kids have cleaned ‘em out of the library!
The rules:
1. Clerihews are four lines long.
2. The first and second lines rhyme, and the third and fourth lines rhyme.
3. The first line names the person the clerihew is about, and the second line ends with something that rhymes with the name of the person.
4. A clerihew should be funny.
Clerihews don’t have to be about people you know. In fact, a clerihew will often work best if it is about someone who is well known, or at least known to the people who will read it.
Also, you don't have to limit your clerihews to real people. You can write them about characters from books, movies, comics, cartoons, etc.
The enemy of Harry Potter was a scheming plotter. I can’t tell you what he’s called: I’d be ashamed to name “he who must not be named.” by Ken Nesbitt Just remember to put the person's name at the end of the first line, rhyme it at the end of the second line, and then write two more rhyming lines that make it funny, and you're done.
Thanks Gail.
We look forward to reading a whole pile of clerihews!
Send then to schoolforyoungwriters.com and we will select some to publish. :)
* Heather wishes to point out that her books are not evil and not that scary!