by Taylor Blackbourn, Year 9
It is a beautiful summer day and the cicadas are humming. The chatter of many voices fill the air as the sun shines down on them like an angel. Tents of patterned cloth, held up only with four rods, surround the bustle of people who pose for photos and line up for bacon buttie sandwiches. Aromas of old books and food fill the courtyard. Sitting in one of the stalls is a typewriter — a typewriter with a story.
This little brown typewriter with white marble keys had been sitting around for years, hidden from the world. It had been covered in layers upon layers of dust. There seemed no hope for this little piece of history... until it was found. After a clean, a grease, and a fresh new set of ink ribbons, this little brown typewriter was ready to tell its story again. Nothing could have made the typewriter happier, or the man who purchased it.
Unfortunately, all good things will come to an end. Years from now, an earthquake will strike. Buildings will crumble. The ground will crack. But there's nothing we can do for we are only observers. These market people will not be able to do anything. These buildings will fall. We cannot change the course of history for it has already been written.
This piece was written at masterclass exploring past, present and future. We wrote in different tenses using a heritage photograph of The Arts Centre Te Matatiki Toi Ora.
Thanks to Creative Communities and Christchurch Heritage Festival for supporting our masterclasses.
To view the photo that inspired this writing go HERE
(c) Write On and Taylor 2021