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Seaweek Poetry Winners- Intermediate

Over 150 poems were entered in the Canterbury/ Waitaha Seaweek 2023 Poetry Competition and most of them were from the year 7&8 category with a very high standard. We have decided to publish both the Winners and the Highly Commended poems in this category.

The judges, Jenna Heller and James Norcliffe, are both renowned poets. In fact James is so renowned he won the Prime Minister's Award for Literary Achievement in Poetry this year! Here are their picks for the Intermediate winners:

1st : You stole my goggles Juniper M-K, Heathcote Valley School

2nd: Emerald sea, Ritika J, Write On School for Young Writers

HC: Senses of the Sea, Veronica A, Middleton Grange

HC: How you boil the ocean, Billie R, Heathcote Valley School

HC: White Horses, Keira L, Homeschool

HC: Tangaroa's Reign, Jasmine S, Cobham Intermediate


You stole my goggles

by Juniper M-K

Dear current holder,

I am disappointed that you stole my goggles

but I am thankful for the sea-weed

you provided for my sushi for lunch.

You gave me driftwood and I made a dreamcatcher.

I love your little orange fish.

You wash away my foot prints

with your incoming waves

But you took my goggles and I really need them back.


Emerald Sea

by Ritika J

Emerald sea,

reaching for the pebbled sand

a gently pulsing heartbeat.

Amber paint

scattered drops of scarlet

spilling below the horizon.

Violet glass

shards nestled between midnight stones

kept company by chocolate wrappers

and old, faded sunglasses.

Cobalt periwinkles

peeking out from cracks in driftwood

unfurling to the symphony

of gulls cries overhead.

Silver coins

tarnished and discarded

buried under strands of plastic.

Copper sand

falling through my fingers

slipping back into the

Emerald sea.


Senses of the Sea

by Veronica A

A clear, blue, water land

A dotted sea of sand

A damp, refreshing drench

A bitter, sulphury stench

A wet, cool sense

A soft, hot substance

A salty, strong taste

A gritty, rough trace

Crashing, chirping sounds

Ruffling, roaring surround


How you boil the ocean

by Billie R

I was dreaming one night, coincidentally about the sea

Fumes pump out the car as I drive to school

Fumes the life licker, the world heater


Fumes dance past the bakery

Fumes lick the breath of the soaring kahu


Fumes up, up past the clouds

Fumes up, up in the air

Fumes slurp the blanket of atmosphere


Fumes boil the atmosphere

Fumes cook the air

Fumes the heat


Heat reaches the clouds the rain pours down

Heat cooks the breath of the soaring kahu

Heat springs past the bakery


Heat pumps out the car as I go to school

Heat melts the icebergs

Heat watches them turn to dust


Heat watches you boil the ocean


White Horses

by Keira L

Deep green water with white horses rolling,

Mussel farms glowing.

With the light cast from the moon I can see all of a blur, all of a whirl;

Those white horses romping in the cool autumn air.


Congratulations to each of their writers

and their wonderful poetry teachers!

A huge thanks to the New Zealand Association for Environmental Education, Selwyn Libraries, Christchurch Libraries and Creative Communities Christchurch for helping bring FREE workshops to many young writers in the lead up to Seaweek 2023.

(c) Write On 2023


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