Creative NonfIction = TRUE Stories Well Told

For our latest Write On competition, It's Only Natural, we invite you to write a piece of creative nonfiction that draws us closer to nature. You may choose the form but your writing should inform and engage the reader in some aspect of the natural world that you love! We want to find out more about flora, or fauna, or ecosystems.
You can spin out a true story, present an article, write a memoir but you can't make stuff up — that's the "Nonfiction" bit.
"Creative” means we want you to use the techniques writers use to tell stories, but about real creatures, places, people and events, in a way that engages and entertains.

Some questions to get you started...
Do you have a local natural world story to tell?
Is there a local habitat worth drawing attention to?
Are people in your community working on an environmental project?
How is your garden growing?
What bird-life / insect-life/ marine-life is going on around you that most people overlook?
Draw us in, provide us with detail, make us care too. See here for some writing tips.
Word count: up to 400 words.
Years 4-6 - Two winners $20 Scorpio Books Voucher
Years 7-8 - Two winners $30 Scorpio Books Voucher
Years 9-10 - Two winners $50 Scorpio Books Voucher
Many thanks to Scorpio Books for assisting with prizes for this competition.
(c) Write On 2022